Start A Love INC
Learn how to start a Love INC in your community—with this information kit
Want to know more about providing churches in your community with a structured, effective, and efficient way to care for their neighbors?
Working from a foundation of over 45 years of experience, we have a well established new affiliate development process, and dedicated Love INC National staff members to train and support you. We’ll help you cast vision, gain support, build structure, and launch your local Love INC.
Learn more about the step-by-step instructions, easy-to-use tools, expert coaching, and face-to-face trainings that take place during our development process by requesting an Information Kit now.
“Love INC’s partnership of churches has been one of the most valuable things that we’ve seen to facilitate the love of Jesus to the lost and hurting in our community. It goes way beyond meeting personal needs to meeting the heartbeat of Jesus.”
Pastor HasemeyerMillersburg, Ohio
“Love INC brought about a huge transformation in our church. I hadn’t realized that it would change our church just as much as those we served in the community. We have more people in ministry today than ever before.”
Pastor TweedieBrighton, Michigan
“There are over 50 churches in our small rural country who are partnered together through Love INC. There’s no other ministry in our county that even comes close to that kind of cooperation.”
Pastor ConnGreater Holmes County, Ohio
“Love INC has helped church members think outside themselves and understand that there are people in need all around them—maybe even right next to them. Love INC helps our church remain outwardly focused.”
Pastor MatthewMinnesota