Love INC National

love inc national mobile

Love INC National humbly serves, learns from, and provides leadership to affiliates that:

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through prayer, caring relationships, connecting Love INCs to one another, and affirming strengths.
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by leading the development of new, local Love INCs, and providing operating Love INCs training and facilitating the exchange of resources and ideas.
National Executive Director talking with local Executive Director


by challenging local Love INCs to assess and improve operations, continually focus on missional integrity, and mature in vision casting to increase opportunity for the Body of Christ to show and share the love of Christ.

Love INC National Serves the Movement Through:

apostles creed

We use the Apostles’ Creed as our unifying statement of faith

Together, local Christian churches focus not on theological or doctrinal differences, denominational practices, or political or social agendas, but on our shared belief in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, manifested in a shared outreach to local neighbors in need.

Working in a coordinated way, these churches actively demonstrate love In the Name of Christ.

Statement on Scripture

Love In the Name of Christ has adopted the following Statement on Scripture: Love In the Name of Christ identifies only the Old Testament* and the New Testament, commonly known as the Bible, as Holy Scripture. Love INC acknowledges, as do Christian churches of all traditions, that the canon is closed, thereby excluding any additional writings from the past or present.
*Love INC recognizes that the Old Testament canon is defined differently among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. Nevertheless, all three traditions hold that Scripture consists of the Old and New Testaments, and the canon is closed.

Our Core Values

Our mission and vision are guided by our core values—these define who we are and how we run.

Watch Now For More On What We Do

Love INC Kenya

The formation of Love INC Kenya began in 2008 with a small group of pastors from Nairobi who felt that their churches were not fulfilling the mandate to “serve the poor among us”. According to 2009 data from the World Bank, 47% of Kenyans still live below the national poverty line. However, despite overwhelming needs in the community, there has been a lack of coordination among churches to address the needs of the most vulnerable. So that’s where we came in…

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What kind of impact could Love INC have in your community?

“Love INC’s partnership of churches has been one of the most valuable things that we’ve seen to facilitate the love of Jesus to the lost and hurting in our community. It goes way beyond meeting personal needs to meeting the heartbeat of Jesus.”
—Pastor Hasemeyer, Millersburg, Ohio

Provide your local churches with a structured, effective, and efficient way to care for their neighbors. Learn more about the step-by-step instructions, easy-to-use tools, expert coaching, and face-to-face training that take place during our development process by requesting an Information Kit now.

Impacting Lives + Communities

Love INC mobilizes local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ. In over 110 communities in 29 states, we mobilized 5,600 churches and helped over 20,000 volunteers find meaningful ways to show and share the love of Christ in their community this past year. We received over 180,000 requests for assistance and met over 230,000 needs that served nearly 125,000 people. Love INC volunteers contributed 680,000 volunteer hours, 12,700 mentoring sessions, and held 5,800 classes to help with short-term needs and provide programming/support to help people with longer-term goals and sustainability.

How does all this impact individual’s life? Read on to find out.

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